Sunday, December 28, 2014

3 Deeds Before You Hire That Web Developer

Creating a website is like creating a building. You would need to know the details of the working space, the plan to make it stand, the kinks to make it appealing and the process for it to endure and be exemplified. However, they differ when it comes to the work force. See, if a building needs a couple of engineers, a website can be created with only just one.

In this technological world, there are three types of people. You’ve got the owners, the developers and the customers. You as the owner, you’d want to think thoroughly on who you will be hiring in order to create an outstanding medium that will allow you to connect with your customers. There are actually a few people whom you’re going to need in order to do that but the most important position would have to be your web developer. Yes, you hire a web designer as well but when it comes to dealing with structures you need your reliable developer.

Assess his personality

Is this person driven and hardworking? Does he pitch in during the creation process? Would he voice out which is better in his own opinion? Is he passive? Such questions can only be answered if you know the gist of this potential developer’s personality. Yes, it may be difficult in identifying that on the first sit – down session but try to be more than attentive of his answers. Give him situations. Know the inner workings of his brain.

Find the consistency in his work experience

Looking through this person’s resume, be prepared to ask him questions regarding his previous professional experiences. See, when you hire a web designer, you’re going to want to know the kinds of workloads he’s prepared to deliver. Knowing the details of how they pursue their work is one thing of knowing if they will be effective in working with you. First impressions don’t last forever, that’s why they are labeled that way. When you get the inclination, do more so you can be surer of it.

Let him perform a test drive

A well known IT Company in Dubai lets their potential hire do a test before they proceed on letting them sign the deal. Truth of the matter is, you will find it hard to determine if this person will work proficiently with you unless you’ve tried. So, why not let them go through a test drive? It may be a bit heinous in the hiring process but trust me - this step is well worth it.  Come on, you would want to try out the car first before you buy it, right? Well, this bears similar logic.

Bonus Tip: Versatility is a much worthy quality. Do you know why? It’s all due to the fact that technology is placed on an inclined plane and it’s all set in going up. There is no going down. You would want to know someone who is knowledgeable of the different facets than have one who concentrates on just one.

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